Human Evolution

Everything is Possible

Paul J. Dejillas, Ph.D.

June 5, 2022


Chimpanzees can’t write because they cannot communicate with their fellow chimpanzees in words and languages, which they have to scribble in pencil and paper.

The lower one goes down the ladder of evolution, the propensity to grow bigger becomes narrower and the choices to do so even lesser.

Conversely, the higher we humans ascend the stairs of evolution, the broader and deeper our opportunities to become more than what and who we are. The more likely we have the potentiality to become superhumans, even able to transcend time and space.

As we humans grow and mature, we acquire new faculties and power that can trigger the discovery of new skills and expertise.

The discovery of words and languages, for example, may emerge side-by-side with our ability to create symbols, concepts, and numbers that may convey meanings to other human beings and species.

Yet, we are not only material and psychosocial beings. We are not only physically composed of atoms and molecules governed by the laws of physics, logic, and causality.

We are not only bodies, brains, and minds. We are also paranormal beings, able to communicate with the invisible and the unseen. In so doing, we begin to make productive use of our intuition, gut feeling, creativity, and premonition, and to become more conscious of synchronous and serendipitous events.

More so, we are spiritual and divine beings, regulated by an invisible energy or some cosmic forces that can even defy the laws of entropy and thermodynamics.

Our future may be uncertain but only two things can happen to us. We can either rise up to other dimensions of existence or go tumbling down to lower levels of existence.

As many say: “We can evolve and we can devolve”. We can go up to become bigger and better than what and who we are today or we can go down to the level of animals.

Everything is possible. It’s our choice.

But note that whichever way we are going, no moral judgments are delivered. One path is not better than the other. Yet, we are still accountable for the consequences of our choices and actions. No exceptions. We have to account for them one day.

Genetic Manipulation and Morals

Paul J. Dejillas, Ph.D.

April 29, 2021


In the age of science and technology, can we still be guided by our moral principles? Is it possible to have no morals at all?

Many have no idea how rapidly things are changing in science and technology. These changes are affecting us now and this could have lasting effects on the future of humanity.

In the case of our genes, DNA holds all the secrets about our past and future. Knowing and changing its content could indeed help us realize the kind of future we envision to be.

One DNA language alone, for example, "t" (it can also be any of the 4 letters, AGCT), can cause a serious disease. So, early-onset Alzheimer's, leukemia, arthritis, even HIV, and cancer can be prevented or treated.

But once changes are introduced in our genes, they stay there forever and could even produce several strains of possibilities that we still don't know.

Indeed, in this highly competitive world, where only the strongest survive, our endless quest to know more and direct our history has taken us a step too far into a darker, more confused new era.

Consider the following:

All the DNA in all living organisms on Earth is of the same makeup so that a DNA strand of a chicken can be combined with a segment of human DNA. In the future, it could happen that the DNA strain of chicken in the embryo could dominate the human strain in us. Who could say no? The possibility is always there.

In 2001, the first clone of an endangered wild animal was born, a wild ox called a gaur. Other endangered species that were potential candidates for cloning include the African bongo antelope, the Sumatran tiger, and the giant panda.

In October 1993, Washington University announced that using defective human embryos that were already scheduled to be discarded by a fertility clinic, they were able to produce 48 embryos from a starting batch of 17. This is called embryo cloning.

They could have developed these embryos into fetuses. But who could also prevent them from doing that? After all, they could do it clandestinely at home or in their laboratories.

Italian fertility specialist Severino Antinori spoke at a conference on human cloning in Rome on March 9, 2001. However, the Italian medical authorities warned that Dr Antinori would risk losing his right to practice in Italy because he was in the process of creating a new MAN.

But who really knows? He might have already created a human being, perhaps in some countries outside Italy. Scientists are not obliged to report to the government on what they are doing.

Worse, genetic engineering is highly democratized. Everybody, even non-scientists, is doing it. Their number could run from hundreds to thousands. Who will monitor them?

Science knows already what our cells can do and what we can be like, once we change their language. Doing so would lead us closer to unveiling the secret of life itself. On June 26, 2000, President Bill Clinton, said: "Today, we are learning the language in which God created life.".

But science is doing it already. We can now read the DNA of every species. We know now how to intervene in the process, nature, and direction of evolution.

Could genetic engineering cure virtually any disease? Any disease that has a genetic code, yes. It can even fix all kinds of diseases. But what happens if diseases are eradicated? Can we make a better human being? Yes, the potential is there.

Science can enhance our abilities—intellectual abilities, physical abilities. It's this genetic- -engineering technology that can create a master race or, at the individual level, produce somebody that would be much better than the original, even better than others.

These trailblazing technologies can open the door for rewriting the book of life. We're now, in fact, changing the DNA, our code of life. I think we all agree that it's good to fix diseases. Yet, the question is, should we? Is changing the content of our DNA good or bad?

And who decides whether it is good or bad? What norms should be applied to define the limits and boundaries? What are these and how will they be addressed? And who will do this? Who will determine what is right and not right? The Churches? Governments? Science?

These are some ethical concerns and implications that required urgent responses, already decades ago.


Evolution, God, and Darwin

Paul J. Dejillas, Ph.D.

July 4, 2018


1. Steven Arthur Pinker is a Canadian-American cognitive psychologist and professor in the Department of Psychology at Harvard University. He is one of the world's most influential intellectuals and has won several awards, also famous as a linguist, and popular science author.

2. Psychologist Steven Pinker, citing several social statistics in 2017, points out that the world is getting better in terms of scientific advancement on homicide, war, poverty, and pollution when compared with 30 years ago. He says "There's no limit to the betterment we can attain if we continue to apply knowledge to enhance human flourishing."

3. Yet, at the same time, he says that not everything is getting better. Much still remains to be done in the areas of climate change and nuclear war. The problems that they create need to be looked at and resolved, not as, in his words, “apocalypses in waiting.”

The Theory of Evolution

4. Pinker is best known for his theory of evolution from the perspective of psychology, employing a multi-disciplinary approach by using social science data from various sources.

5. From his perspective, our progress proceeds along the lines of the Darwinian understanding of evolution, in which everything is viewed as obeying the laws of physics, random variation, and natural selection.

6. Human flourishing, in Pinker's thinking, is largely viewed as material and subject to the game of chance and luck, which is basically one core of Darwin’s theory.

7. The theory of Pinker is one perspective, But there are also other views that are equally compelling. One is the Creationist theory.

The Creationist Theory

8. The Creationist theory assumes the existence of a Creator "God, who also guides the evolution of the human race" and towards which humanity is destined. This teleological argument makes more sense to many.”

9. Indeed, evolution is not only horizontal but also vertical, progressing in an ascending order towards God.

Cosmic Energy Field theory (CEF)

10. Another parallel theory is the CEF of the hardcore science. CEF specifically teaches that the cosmic evolutionary progression proceeds from ground zero or the physical level, moving upward to the mental-emotional level, and then, to the spiritual realm.

12. Another well-known theory is the Intelligent Design Argument which preaches that the evolutionary process of how molecules, proteins, primal cells, DNA, RNA, and life are structured appears to indicate the existence of an Intelligent Design.

13. This theory is careful of using the term “God” but it advances that the evolutionary process is suggesting the existence of God (or “Cosmic Christ”, to use the term of #SammyYap),

14. Yap further observes that “... this evolution trajectory is in all aspects of human life - science, technology, prosperity, AI, social justice, self-consciousness... Christ in his lifetime set the standards, and whether we are conscious of it or not, the world is going His way, not so much in the religious sense, but more in the fully human sense.”

15. This is also related to what #LorenzoLeones's observation when he talks about Fr. Teilhard de Chardin’s theory of the Noosphere that brought out the idea of Alpha and Omega, or the Beginning and the End of all history.

16. To Leones, everything is interconnected, though not smoothly because of the bumps and gaps that come along the way. According to him, this is the Christian view of history, which is a history of salvation.

17. This is perhaps another area where the correlation among science, philosophy, and theological thoughts, as #EvaristoJuralbal pointed out in his June 15, 2018, lies.

18. In his words: “It would be quite interesting to correlate the scientific theories with philosophical thoughts and theological realities. One can paint an extraordinary picture(s), various dimensions, remarkable shades of interpretations and perspectives, all coordinates leading to truth(s) subservient to the Divine Truth.”

19. If this is so, then, the extraterrestrial beings and UFOs of science could also be viewed as the God, gods, and goddesses of religion.

20. In particular, one can say, by association, that the Alien from the planet Pleiades who was monitoring the progress of the human species is parallel to the savior Jesus Christ who was sent by his Father in Heaven in order to save and secure our future.

In summary ...

21. In summary, humanity needs a Creator for the Cosmos to appear and manifest Itself in the forms and structures we witness today.

22. Once creation was completed on the sixth day, Darwin's theory of evolution takes over; progress and development proceeded following the laws of physics.

23. But hardcore science, in particular quantum physics, also discovers that evolution is a forward movement from the physical to the spiritual or to the Divine.

24. In effect, religion, psychology, and science arrive at the same teleological description of reality in spite of their diverse points of reference. ###



The Appearance of Adam and Eve

Paul J. Dejillas, Ph.D.

July 18, 2017


Contemporary science views the appearance of humanity from the perspective of evolution. Physicists and biologists, for example, trace humanity’s origin from the primal string and atom.

Meanwhile, anthropology and archeology trace our origin back to the Miocene Period which witnessed the presence of the chimpanzees and Hominoids that gradually developed into more complex species.

Recent studies of our genetic history revealed that it was from the Homo Sapiens that the appearance of Adam and Eve can be traced.


These accounts, however, are fraught with controversies. While many subscribe to these views, several unanswered questions still remain.

How did the atoms and molecules combine to form cells, tissues, and other organs of the body? How did the molecules and cells know that they were intended for the heart, lungs, digestive systems, hands, feet, etc.? What guided them to go into places where they are perfectly stationed now?


The same unexplained questions can be said of the anthropological and archaeological theories.

How did the chimpanzees turn into humans? In particular, how did they become Hominoids, Hominids, Homo Erectus, and Homo Sapiens?

Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution through natural selection, random variation, and even luck miserably failed to respond to these queries. At every stage of human development, there were always these “missing gaps” or “missing links.”

The Book of Genesis likewise lacks the needed details to explain the appearance of Adam and Eve, except the statement that God created Man as male and female on the sixth day (Genesis 1:26-28).


My research could have reached a dead-end had I not discovered, through a series of synchronous events, copies of the accounts of the Sumerian legend on how Homo Sapiens was created.

These articles were really a joy to read. But at the same time, they were also shocking, almost incredible.

Humanity, we are told, was a product of a series of trial-and-error experiments that combined the sperm and egg cells of chimpanzees, hominoids, hominids, and Homo Erectus, incubating these fertilized eggs in a test tube preserved in a controlled room, we now call laboratories.

My shock even intensified upon learning that Adam and Eve were created as model humans by mixing the sperm of the male Homo Erectus and the egg cell of a goddess who volunteered to incubate the babies in her womb.

It was in this manner that Adam was made into the image and likeness of the Gods and Goddesses. Adam was half-human and half-divine.

Eve was said to have been created following the same procedure. When the human prototype was already perfected, the mass production of human beings was followed by the commissioning of more female Goddesses.


Many activities we now know to be connected with pregnancy and birth were recorded. For example, Adam was already in his 10th month inside the mother’s womb and had to be operated on because he was long overdue. Others included the shaving of the hair, the preparation of all the necessary laboratory equipment to open the womb of the goddess, the putting in of gloves, etc.


The Sumerian account mirrors what modern science has been doing for the past few decades, e.g., cross-breeding, genetic engineering, stem-cell therapy, cloning, biotechnology, and many other technological advances. What Science is doing today has already been done thousands of years ago.

Believe it or not?

Evolution is Real

Paul J. Dejillas, Ph.D.

October 3, 2016


"The theories of evolution and the Big Bang are real and God is not “a magician with a magic wand”, Pope Francis has declared.

"Speaking at the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, the Pope made comments which experts said put an end to the “pseudo theories” of creationism and intelligent design that some argue were encouraged by his predecessor, Benedict XVI.

"Pope Francis explained that both scientific theories were not incompatible with the existence of a creator – arguing instead that they “require it”.