Everything is Energy

Everything is Energy

June 26, 2023


We humans are energy. Soul is energy. Spirit is energy. Consciousness is energy. Our thoughts, emotions, and behavior are all energy. God is energy. Satan is energy. So is heaven, hell, and purgatory.

But energy has no religion, no political alignment, no cultural identity, no class and status affiliation, no race, no gender, or educational preferences. These are mainly expressions of the identity we give to ourselves. Energy is neutral.

The plants, animals, stones, rivers are all energy. Your home, car, chair, table, furniture, utensils, and even what you put on in your body are all energy. We differ only in the level of vibration and frequency.

Energy is all around us. It is passing through us and sometimes stays with us, thereby increasing or decreasing our energy level. We can also be entering into other’s energy and may perhaps get entangled with them. But many times we are unconscious of this interplay and dynamics.

Yet, we cannot escape these exchanges of energy, nor can we ignore them. Energy is everywhere. We should be very careful in our dealings with others. For our energy can affect others in the same manner that their energy can affect us.

While we cannot avoid them, don’t let others mess up with our energy for we might become so attached to them that we can no longer move forward on our own.

Let's be more concerned rather with the level and quality of our energy.

Never Underestimate the Butterfly Effect!

February 4, 2022


Whatever we send out, be it our thoughts, feelings, or actions, reverberates like a roaring thunder across the entire Cosmos. Sending out negative energy will adversely affect everything that comes along its path. It will only aggravate today's worsening global conditions.

The chaos theory states that if a butterfly flaps its wings in the Amazonian rain forest, it can change the weather half a world away. Quantum physicists had long ago realized this in their scientific experiments that they're able to categorically declare the following:

"Pick a flower on Earth and you move the farthest star." ~ Paul A.M. Dirac.

“Every living being is an engine geared to the wheelwork of the universe. Though seemingly affected only by its immediate surrounding, the sphere of external influence extends to infinite distance.” ~ Nikola Tesla, February 7, 1915.

The signs of the times clearly show that negative energy dominates today and everybody is suffering as a consequence. We can only hope that we are not the source of many of these negativities.


Everything is Energy

Paul J. Dejillas, Ph.D. – July 11, 2021


In quantum physics, everything in the universe is made up of energy that vibrates and moves at different levels and on different forms. This vibrating energy in turn affects the state of our nerves, immune system, cells, tissues, muscles, tendons, and organs of our body as well as our relationship with people and our beliefs, whether this be political or religious. Yet, we are ignoring them.

The Spirit is Still Willing, But the Body is Getting Weaker and Weaker

Paul J. Dejillas, Ph.D. – April 18, 2021


As we grow old, hormones subside decreasing our appetite for food, sleep, and sex because of some aggravating illnesses. Yet, the desire for sensual satisfaction remains, the reason why we need some external assistance. In many cases, even these external aids do not help at all. One may just have to accept that this is part of life. But let's learn the art of experiencing heavenly bliss by activating our energy centers.

How do we deal with vibrations?

Paul J. Dejillas, Ph.D. – July 14, 2021


Daily, we encounter a lot of vibrations from people we commune, relate, and communicate with as well as from the atmosphere and events happening around us. They can be negative and positive. Between these two extreme poles, are infinite combinations of vibrations bombarding our body, whether we're conscious of it or not. Yet, we are ignoring them.

What are vibrations? Vibrations are invisible. They are electromagnetic forces traveling at light speed in all directions. They fill the world surrounding us, penetrating our body, mind, psyche, and spirit in many diverse ways.

Our vibration also travels outward, towards the external world, affecting others that are tuned to or aligned with our frequency level. Our inner vibration also affects us in the same way.

As Nikola Tesla said, the entire Cosmos is vibration manifesting itself in various frequency levels. We cannot avoid vibrations, much less ignore them. We are entangled with it.

We are vibrations ourselves. We affect the vibrations of the outer world in the same way that we are affected by the vibrations coming from the external world. If our own vibration is chaotic and confusing, it will be so outside us.

Vibrations, whether coming from within us or outside of us, affect our processes of thinking, feeling, and behaving. Their effects can be wholesome or damaging to us, depending on their contents.

Ordinary laypeople usually say that positive vibrations bring about love compassion and joy, while negative ones trigger despondency, sadness, and anger.

That's why, they say, that if one deals with vibrations, it must only entertain positive ones and refrain from the negative ones.

We are advised to fill our minds with positive vibrations by only thinking, reading, seeing, touching, hearing, smelling, and tasting things that give us positive vibes.

In like manner, we are admonished to stay away from or avoid those that give us nothing but negative vibes. They're bad companies. It's no use associating with them.

But this can be a bit misleading. In real day-to-day life, we also experience that this may not necessarily be so. For positive thoughts may suddenly turn out negative, while negative ones may likewise eventually transform themselves into good ones.

Things get more complicated if we realize that having positive thoughts don't mean having no negative thoughts. Negative and positive thoughts go together. They come and go, one after the other, and back.

Sometimes, the appear at the same time, even if we are cloistered in a most holy place.

It seems that our life here on Earth is so entangled with positive and negative vibrations that untangling it by ourselves alone is almost impossible. How then can we get out of this situation?

We become so engrossed in the dynamics and operations of our physical and material world that we forget we are spiritual beings. We practically have no time at all to think of things other than our survival needs.

We wake up early and leave home in a rush, not to be late in our work for that would mean salary deductions or bad record that can be sanctioned later. After work, we rush again, so tired, we just want to sleep. And this goes on in cycle, adversely affecting our physical and mental health.

We seek the help of others only to find out that they have their own issues to deal with. Two problematic individuals now entangled with each other. And this expands eventually, affecting our society. This has to end somewhere. Cut off ties with the outside world.

But we can untangle ourselves without the help of others. We can do it. Only, we have not recovered from our original state. We're still asleep. Not that we don't want to be awake. All of us want. But we have become forgetful as grew in age.

That's why we need to remind ourselves again and again and again. We need to conscious and aware of this from moment to moment. The obvious had to be made more obvious.

It had to be repeated again and again daily. As they say in Latin: "Repititio est mater stultorum." I myself need to be reminded and I'm doing this reminding myself here-and-now as I'm composing this post in my cellphone.

Everybody needs to be reminded, no exceptions. But I'll not wait for others to remind me. Neither is it my priority and primary responsibility to remind them. It's their primary responsibility.

Neither will I wait for God to remind me. God already implanted in me the faculty and power to remind myself of this. It would be accepting the fact that I have failed God, that I'm not worthy enough to be called its child and thus not worthy to enter its kingdom.

Although God may still understand and love me, there's only me to be blamed. The less I think of others and God, therefore, the better it is for me. What I do is simply to activate that mechanism and force that's in me all the while. His little, but all-powerful Kingdom is in me.

And if I do, then, what happens after that?

A realization that I am a multi-dimensional being. In my experience, this means that I can be in another dimension of existence, without leaving this physical realm. I can also be in both realms at the same time.

I can be eating, washing the dishes, doing the laundry and yet be in another dimension, while still conscious of what I'm doing at home or in my workplace at the same time.

From the higher dimension, I can see myself on the ground washing the dishes, etc. From the perspective of the spirit realm, I'm aware of myself watching and observing myself doing my laundry.

There's no need to believe in what I've said here. Just find it out as an exercise. Try, even for just 10 seconds.

This multidimensional perspective of looking at reality matters a lot. That's why my proposed theory on cosmic perspective is even more relevant and needed during this pandemic times.

Vibrations Are Like Strings

Paul J. Dejillas, Ph.D. – July 14, 2021


Vibrations are like guitar strings, which when plucked, produce sounds that can be peaceful and harmonious or disturbing and disorienting to us physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

We can be at peace or tense, whether we are alone or in company with others, even in a crowd. Our life is then said to be either peaceful or stressful. In other words, our own vibration defines our general state of well being and health.

We can also feel the vibration and health of others, even our home, family, neighborhood, and society, and places like temples, malls, offices, and other places.

We can likewise feel vibrations during different times of the year, like Christmas, Ramadan, New Year, Valentine's Day, Holy Week.

What triggers our state of well being and health?

The greatest trigger is the outside world. Daily, we are bombarded with all kinds of vibrations in the form of loud noise coming from public transportation, music, climate, nature, etc., that can be irritating and disturbing to us or soothing, calming, and spiritually enriching.

We cannot avoid vibrations, much less ignore them. We are entangled in a complex web and dizzying network of vibrations that affects our well being and health.

Vibrations can be negative and positive. That's why, they say, that if we want to deal with vibrations, we must only entertain positive ones and refrain from the negative ones.

We are advised to fill our minds with positive vibrations by thinking, reading, seeing, touching, hearing, smelling, and tasting things that give us positive vibes.

In like manner, we are admonished to stay away from or avoid those that give us nothing but negative vibes. They're bad companies. It's no use associating with them.

Ordinary laypeople usually say that positive vibrations bring about love compassion and joy, while negative ones trigger despondency, sadness, and anger.

But this can be a bit misleading. In day-to-day life, we also experience that this may not necessarily be so. For positive thoughts may suddenly turn out negative, while negative ones may likewise eventually transform themselves into good ones.

Things get more complicated if we realize that having positive thoughts don't mean having no negative thoughts. Negative and positive thoughts go together. They come and go, and back, one after the other. Sometimes, they appear at the same time, even if we are cloistered in most holy places like seminaries, convents, caves, monasteries, etc.

The fact is that we are so engrossed in the dynamics and operations of our physical and material world that we forget we are spiritual beings. We practically have no time anymore to think of things other than our survival needs.

We wake up early and leave home in a rush, not to be late in our work for that would mean salary deductions or bad record that can be sanctioned later. After work, we rush again to go back home, so tired, we just want to sleep. And this goes on in cycle, adversely affecting our physical and mental health.

We seek the help of others only to find out that they have their own issues to deal with. What happens is that, instead of one, there are now two problematic individuals entangled with each other. And this attracts other individuals, eventually, affecting our circle of friends.

It seems that our life here on Earth is so much entangled with positive and negative vibrations that untangling it by ourselves alone is almost impossible.

Before this negativity spreads to society, this has to end immediately. How?

Cut off ties with those having negative vibes and realize that we can untangle ourselves from all kinds and form of negativities, even without the help of others.

The problem is that we have not realized yet that we can do this. We're still asleep. Not that we don't want to be awake. All of us want. But we have not yet re-awakened.

That's why we need to remind ourselves again and again and again. We need to be conscious and aware of the state of our well being and health from moment to moment. The obvious had to be made more obvious.

It had to be repeated again and again daily. As they say in Latin: "Repititio est mater stultorum." I myself need to be reminded and I'm doing this reminding of myself here-and-now as I compose this post using my cellphone.

I'll not wait for others to remind me of my state of well being. They're just as too engrossed in their respective worlds as I am on my own world. Neither is it my priority and primary responsibility to remind them.

Neither will I wait for God to remind me. God already implanted in me the faculty and power to remind myself of everything. It would be tantamount to accept that I failed God, that I'm not worthy enough to be called its child and thus not worthy to enter its kingdom.

Although God may still understand and love me, there's only me to be blamed. The less I think more of others and God, therefore, the better it is for me. So I can spend more time to be alone and reflect in silence.

What I'll do is simply to activate that mechanism and force that's in me all the while, that little, but all-powerful Kingdom in me.

And if I do, then, what happens after that?

A realization that I am a multi-dimensional being. In my experience, this means that I can be in another dimension of existence, without leaving this physical realm. I can also be in both realms at the same time.

I can be conscious that I'm eating, washing the dishes, doing the laundry and yet I'm in another dimension. From the higher dimension, I'm also aware of myself watching and observing myself on the ground, doing my laundry, etc.

This multidimensional perspective of looking at reality matters a lot in these trying times. There's no need to believe in what I've said here. Just find it out . Try to meditate on your multidimensionality even for just 10 seconds.

How do we deal with vibrations?

Paul J. Dejillas, Ph.D. – July 14, 2021


Daily, we encounter a lot of vibrations from people we commune, relate, and communicate with as well as from the atmosphere and events happening around us. They can be negative and positive. Between these two extreme poles, are infinite combinations of vibrations bombarding our body, whether we're conscious of it or not. Yet, we are ignoring them.

What are vibrations? Vibrations are invisible. They are electromagnetic forces traveling at light speed in all directions. They fill the world surrounding us, penetrating our body, mind, psyche, and spirit in many diverse ways.

Our vibration also travels outward, towards the external world, affecting others that are tuned to or aligned with our frequency level. Our inner vibration also affects us in the same way.

As Nikola Tesla said, the entire Cosmos is vibration manifesting itself in various frequency levels. We cannot avoid vibrations, much less ignore them. We are entangled with it.

We are vibrations ourselves. We affect the vibrations of the outer world in the same way that we are affected by the vibrations coming from the external world. If our own vibration is chaotic and confusing, it will be so outside us.

Vibrations, whether coming from within us or outside of us, affect our processes of thinking, feeling, and behaving. Their effects can be wholesome or damaging to us, depending on their contents.

Ordinary laypeople usually say that positive vibrations bring about love compassion and joy, while negative ones trigger despondency, sadness, and anger.

That's why, they say, that if one deals with vibrations, it must only entertain positive ones and refrain from the negative ones.

We are advised to fill our minds with positive vibrations by only thinking, reading, seeing, touching, hearing, smelling, and tasting things that give us positive vibes.

In like manner, we are admonished to stay away from or avoid those that give us nothing but negative vibes. They're bad companies. It's no use associating with them.

But this can be a bit misleading. In real day-to-day life, we also experience that this may not necessarily be so. For positive thoughts may suddenly turn out negative, while negative ones may likewise eventually transform themselves into good ones.

Things get more complicated if we realize that having positive thoughts don't mean having no negative thoughts. Negative and positive thoughts go together. They come and go, one after the other, and back.

Sometimes, the appear at the same time, even if we are cloistered in a most holy place.

It seems that our life here on Earth is so entangled with positive and negative vibrations that untangling it by ourselves alone is almost impossible. How then can we get out of this situation?

We become so engrossed in the dynamics and operations of our physical and material world that we forget we are spiritual beings. We practically have no time at all to think of things other than our survival needs.

We wake up early and leave home in a rush, not to be late in our work for that would mean salary deductions or bad record that can be sanctioned later. After work, we rush again, so tired, we just want to sleep. And this goes on in cycle, adversely affecting our physical and mental health.

We seek the help of others only to find out that they have their own issues to deal with. Two problematic individuals now entangled with each other. And this expands eventually, affecting our society. This has to end somewhere. Cut off ties with the outside world.

But we can untangle ourselves without the help of others. We can do it. Only, we have not recovered from our original state. We're still asleep. Not that we don't want to be awake. All of us want. But we have become forgetful as grew in age.

That's why we need to remind ourselves again and again and again. We need to conscious and aware of this from moment to moment. The obvious had to be made more obvious.

It had to be repeated again and again daily. As they say in Latin: "Repititio est mater stultorum." I myself need to be reminded and I'm doing this reminding myself here-and-now as I'm composing this post in my cellphone.

Everybody needs to be reminded, no exceptions. But I'll not wait for others to remind me. Neither is it my priority and primary responsibility to remind them. It's their primary responsibility.

Neither will I wait for God to remind me. God already implanted in me the faculty and power to remind myself of this. It would be accepting the fact that I have failed God, that I'm not worthy enough to be called its child and thus not worthy to enter its kingdom.

Although God may still understand and love me, there's only me to be blamed. The less I think of others and God, therefore, the better it is for me. What I do is simply to activate that mechanism and force that's in me all the while. His little, but all-powerful Kingdom is in me.

And if I do, then, what happens after that?

A realization that I am a multi-dimensional being. In my experience, this means that I can be in another dimension of existence, without leaving this physical realm. I can also be in both realms at the same time.

I can be eating, washing the dishes, doing the laundry and yet be in another dimension, while still conscious of what I'm doing at home or in my workplace at the same time.

From the higher dimension, I can see myself on the ground washing the dishes, etc. From the perspective of the spirit realm, I'm aware of myself watching and observing myself doing my laundry.

There's no need to believe in what I've said here. Just find it out as an exercise. Try, even for just 10 seconds.

This multidimensional perspective of looking at reality matters a lot. That's why my proposed theory on cosmic perspective is even more relevant and needed during this pandemic times.

Energy Vampires!!!

June 28, 2016


Who are these people? Let's know them. At the same time, let's be open and know ourselves better. Was it Socrates who said: "Know thyself?"