Our Entangled Universe

Quantum Entanglement is not Quantum Entrapment

November 23, 2021


We're all alive, designed to relay electromagnetic forces that receive and pass on electrical signals to each other for a reason. If two individuals, like husband and wife, are in constant exchanges and communion with each other, they are entwined in each other's embrace to produce offspring.

This is true at the atomic, atmospheric, planetary, and galactic levels. Subatomic particles are locked into each other to form the stable atoms. The atmosphere is already set to form cycles from solid to liquid, steam, and back to ensure the life and existence of all the inhabitants below.

The planets and Sun are already stationed properly in their respective places to ensure the existence of our Solar System. And so are the galaxies that are kept alive by the billions of suns and stars rotating around their respective axes.

At the human level, this also explains why soul or twin mates are possible. The two souls are bound and destined to be together. Quantum physics calls this entanglement. A little disturbance in the vibration of one individual instantaneously affects the other, whose response heightens the intensity of the vibration. The synergistic effect cements the bonding of the two. No distance can separate them apart. For the two are already weaved into each other like a piece of cloth.

But there is such a thing as cosmic entanglement, where bonding can be limitless and endless regardless of time, space, and dimension. For example, I am entangled with so many species, humans or not, visible or invisible, material or spiritual. I maintain my communion and communication with them, just as they do to me.

And so is each one of us. We are all entangled with all creatures at varying levels of frequency and vibration, rotating at the center, which is the Primal Source of all entanglements. This is the natural order of things and events regardless of whether we are aware of this or not.

But entanglement can also depart from its original cosmic intent since this can be easily manipulated and exploited by a few individuals or groups for their own advantage. When this happens, entanglement has metamorphosed into entrapment, which is synonymous to capturing, trapping, ambushing, deceiving, or ensnaring others. Beware of entrapments for we can be so deluded and mesmerized that they can appear to us as entanglements. Or, perhaps, we are not just conscious that we are already victims of entrapments.

Nevertheless, if the Cosmos has its way, humanity's journey is a continuing expansion of each other's entanglement, from the physical to the mental, psychical, and spiritual level, until we finally become united as One cosmic entity. This cosmic journey could take a lifetime. It could also be endless. But we can either shorten or prolong it. It's our choice.

In our moments of silence and solitude, it's good to reflect and examine whether we are living in the world of expanding entanglement or worsening entrapment.

Online Learning Interconnects Us All

May 1, 2022


We are all linked by a fabric of unseen connections” that makes us one interconnected system or unit in a concentric fashion, we call Cosmos.

Let me illustrate this by the Parable of the Visible Physical Cobweb and Invisible Spiritual Cobweb.


(1) Invisible Physical Cobweb.

- Where does the cobweb begin and end?

- A disturbance coming from the center of the cobweb creates a vibration throughout the entire web that triggers others to react and respond to the disturbance.

- The reaction can be positive or negative. It can be constructive or destructive to the entire web.


(2) Unseen Spiritual Cobweb. I term this the Cosmic Web.

- We are floating in the fabric of space in this vast Cosmos, held on together by the laws of Nature and the Cosmos.

- This Cosmic Web is directly influenced by our behavior and by our understanding.

- It records all our thoughts, feelings, actions from the beginning of creation to its end.

- It is the depository of all that happened in the past, all that is happening now, and all that will happen in the future.

- It’s the Book of Life or the Akashi Record as the mystics and medium would term it.

- It can be accessed anytime, just as the medium Edgar Cauvery did.

- It is the depository of all the solutions to our problems.


Lenten Reflections

(1) If we’re all linked and interconnected, this means that we depend on each other for our survival and spiritual growth.

(2) Destroying each other, as in the case of acquiring political, ideological, and religious dominance over the other, is killing ourselves and the entire humanity.

(3) Destroy the physical and spiritual web, and we destroy the entire world and universe.

(4) Not all of our 4-D problems can be solved within. We have to get out of our box and access the 5-D world and even beyond.

(5) Let’s use our judgement wisely and judiciously.