The Physical Realm

Refer to My Related You-Tubes below.


02 - (3370) 2-The macrocosmic perspective-2.wmv - YouTube

This is my second video.

The large-structure of the universe has so much to offer in terms of understanding 

our nature, beliefs, thinking, feelings, behavior and actions as well as our 

relationship with our environment and each other. Here's one view of 

humanity from the perspective of the large Cosmos. It could be relevant 

and meaningful to us, regardless of our field of 

academic discipline and specialization.


03 - (3370) 3-Before the big bang-3.wmv - YouTube

This is my 3rd video.

What caused the big bang? What was before the big bang? Whatever really lies

 beyond the big bang, what has all this got to do with our beliefs, behavior, 

and future, as well as our life and lifestyle.


04 - (3370) 4-The microcosmic perspective-4.wmv - YouTube

This is my 4th video.

The world of the microcosmos is the atomic world, the world of the electrons, protons, 

neutrons, quarks, leptons, and strings engaged in a dynamic and continuing 

transformation of energy and particles.